Have you been to Yelp.com? It is one of the most popular sites online. With millions of users, doing hundreds of millions of reviews of some of the most popular restaurants and services in your city, Yelp.com is just what the Free King ordered.
Why is this site important to the frugal community? Because if you follow it, you will find dozens of freebies in your town. Whether in San Diego (where we are from) or New York City or New Orleans, Yelp.com has a presence in most major cities.
Besides the events and freebies, Yelp can save you hundreds of dollars by steering you to all that is good and discouraging you to go to all that is not so good in your city. The reviews, all user generated, are useful, funny and cool! They give the reader an invaluable resource to what is hot and happening at the moment. Best of all, it is real reviews by real people giving their real experiences.
Once you start getting involved in the website, doing reviews, posting on the threads, setting up events and uploading photos of your favorite businesses, Yelp will recognize you as an Elite member. Elite members are privy to some of the hottest parties and events. Best of all these events are free to the Yelp Elite Squad (YES!)
Some of the free and discounted events that I have been to in the last few weeks include:
- Yelp Elite event at some of the best restaurants and lounges in the city
- Discounted food at a local restaurant for the Presidential Debates
- Discounted pizza and beer at a local restaurant for soccer matches
- Organized event at a local pumpkin patch for the Yelp Kids
- Discounted tickets to local Haunted Houses
- Unofficial Yelp Events at local restaurants and bars
I encourage you to at least check out the site to read up on your favorite restaurants. Once you get to reading, I am sure the next step will be joining! Yelp.com...your insider information to all that is happening in your city.
See my reviews at: http://edwinr.yelp.com
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