There's going to be a free concert at Seaport Village on Sunday, and it looks like the weather is going to be great so you just might see me there. Enjoy live music in Seaport's East Gazebo. Performing this weekend is The Cat.illacs 619.235.4014 http://www.seaportvillage.com/ Time: 1pm-4pm Cost: Free
YUM YUM YUM! This one is a double edged sword. It's "free", but let's face it, we're going to want to buy some of these beef skewers. So beware! The House of China is having a Lawn Program, which is an annual celebration of Chinese culture including traditional lion dances, martial arts displays, barbeque beef skewers, rice, egg rolls, noodles, moon cakes, and bubble tea. 619.234.0739 http://www.sdhpr.org/ Time: Cottages open 12n-4pm; Lawn program 2pm Cost: Free
There's another event for the World Beat Center - Family African Drumming and Percussion Saidos Sylla teaches African drumming and percussion techniques to families.619.230.1190 http://www.worldbeatcenter.org/ Time: 1pm-2pm Cost: Free. This one is not for little ones, they ask that children be at least 5 years old.
Believe it or not, that's all I've got. BUT of course there are always the multitude of farmers markets you can go to for free samples (read Edwin's post about them), all of our gorgeous beaches that are free to walk along, or visit a lovely park like Kate Sessions to enjoy some typical San Diego weather.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great penny-wise weekend!
The Fru-GAL (Sara)
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